Saturday, May 9, 2015

Busy, busy

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I'm not keeping up with my blog regularly. A lot of things have been going on, like that I had a job at Barnes & Noble but then quit and moved back to Kentucky, I've been reconnecting with old friends, and I just finished Head Over Heart. It's still on preorder, but the official release date is now June 30th rather than May 31st because my editors and betas are mostly college students and I felt it was unfair to make them rush to edit so fast. It would have been unfair to readers, too, because the work wouldn't be absolutely polished. It doesn't take us long to get everything under control because 10 people are actually looking at the document for me right now, and I love every single one of them.

I'm going to try to post more on the blog, I promise. I'm just trying to get resettled in Kentucky. I missed it here. Too many things were going on at home and I felt that I needed to come back, but in the end I realized that Kentucky is home, so I'm not too torn up about coming back. I'm trying to get my old job back--and probably will have it back soon. With Head Over Heart in the editing stage, I've also started Cheap Tricks. :) I also have some friends who I might go see, that I haven't seen in a while, as soon as I'm sure when the company will be doing interviews again. I've also ordered the Cheap Sunglasses cover and its beautiful, but I'm refraining from my usual cover reveal before story is ready to be published.

The awesome thing about being unemployed is that I'm writing way, way more though.

In fact, here's a paragraph I just wrote for Cheap Sunglasses:

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