Monday, May 25, 2015

Blargh (AKA Random Thoughts)

I probably should get over that-my extreme dislike of titling my work. I won't actually tell anyone where I got the title Cheap Guitars, but Head Over Hoof was inspired by Alanis Morrissette's song, Hand Over Feet. Half the time I feel like they're silly titles. I'm struggling over what I'll name my next novel-I'm planning to write a stand alone despite my better judgement-and I'm just not sure what I want it to be yet.

It'll come to me. I might have to go through an entire pot of coffee, but it'll come to me.

All that aside, tonight I told someone I'm a published romance writer. Writer, not author. There are three romance writers who I dearly love. Nora Roberts inspired me to start writing, and it was through reading every single one of her books I could get my hand on when I was younger that I started to truly love the romance genre. Jasinda Wilder's personal story struck a chord when I realized she was an indie writer. Colleen Hoover made me cry like a big baby--wait, yeah, Jasinda Wilder did too. A book never really made me cry until I read Slammed or Wilder's numerous series of books. (Some people might just tell you I'm a big old baby though).

I'm saying writer because I don't really feel like an author yet. Colleen Hoover does this, and I expressly agree with her. I don't feel like an author yet... exactly, although I just hit the 14,000 word mark on my next book in the Cheap series and I might be babbling in this blog post until I'm sure how I want to start chapter five. I've read her blog several times, and she said it's because she's afraid her success isn't going to go away. I highly doubt that'll happen. In my case, it's because I'm just starting out, and I'm afraid like I'll sound like a big pompous ass if I brag about how many books I'm planning to publish. (Side note: I'm obsessed with the phrase "pompous ass" lately.)

Or maybe I'm just REALLY antsy because my third book is about to be released and I should call myself an author now, even though I'm not on a best sellers list yet. That wasn't ever my original goal... I originally just wanted to hold my own book in my hand. That's happened. I'm about to do it a third time. I don't really need to be on a best sellers list even though it would be pretty awesome 'cause then that would mean I could actually turn this into a career.

I seriously want to look back on this in a year and laugh at myself. 

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