Monday, September 15, 2014

Oops! (Stuck-in-Middle of Novel Syndrome and Other Stuff)

I know I said I wanted to make a post once a week every Wednesday...but then life started to call for me to socialize more with friends. I got in contact with someone I knew in high school and we've been spending time together. This is of the good. I normally don't get out very much...but at the same time I haven't been writing as much as usual. Hell, I haven't really been on Twitter! Bahaha.

This is fine. I think if I sat at home for one more day without getting out on a Saturday night I might have honestly pulled my hair out. You can only be a hermit in your writing cave for so long before cabin fever sets in. I've also had a fairly bad writer's block on Head Over Heart, but I've still been writing here or there. It's just a matter of making myself get back in the groove and still figure out to spend time with my friends.

I'm irritated I can't find my sewing basket and I had to use a piddly amount of thread Mom had, but that is besides the point.

I don't like to admit it when I get writer blocky. I hate it. I don't even like the term "writer's block". I'm not exactly blocked...if I open one of my other projects everything flows like normal. It's just a matter of working out the rest of HOH2 that will make it just as awesome as the first book. I've had a serious love/hate relationship with this series for a long time-since before I even decided to rewrite it-and since I have changed a lot of it. In fact, I'd say I'm having a "stuck in the middle of novel" syndrome more than writer blocky. It's happened on both Cheap Guitars and Head Over Hoof and I'll eventually get over it. It's just kind of irritating that it's happening now, you know? I've got the cover ordered and I've seen it, and I'm going to pay it off either this month or next (probably next month since I get three paychecks) so I do have to finish it...and I know my readers want to see the rest of Bri and Aidan's story, too.

It's just frustrated when you want to write but can't write on the project you want to work on. Le sigh. The good news is I have the cover for Cheap Tricks and I'm going to start writing that in November!

At the latest, Head Over Heart and Cheap Tricks will be released in early 2015 within a month of each other. I would love for Head Over Heart to be released next month abut a girl has to be realistic. :)

1 comment:

  1. Get your ass in gear, Miller! I've got my proof-reading glasses dusted and polished and ready for another project. Give me somethin' gold.
